Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Grand Canyon Region

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Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Grand Canyon Region


Lawrence E. Stevens, Richard A. Bailowitz, and Douglas Danforth

128 pages

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Ancestors of dragonflies have been flying across the region we now call Grand Canyon for more than 300 million years. Odonata, the order to which dragonflies and damselflies belong, are among the most widely recognized non-pestiferous insects. However, the Grand Canyon assemblage has not previously been described and presented to the public.
In this book, long-time river runner Larry Stevens teams up with odonatologists Rich Bailowitz and Doug Danforth to provide a unique and superbly illustrated reference to the dragonflies and damselflies of the Grand Canyon region. This guidebook relates the evolutionary history and contemporary biodiversity of these fascinating creatures to the Canyon’s spectacular geology and wide array of ecosystems.